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Wednesday, Nov 27th, 6:00pm – 7:30pm ET

Spencer Sunshine on Countercultural Fascism

Antifascist researcher Spencer Sunshine discusses his new book Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism, which explores the hidden connections between a countercultural clique and violent neo-Nazis.

Spencer's Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism: The Origins and Afterlife of James Mason’s Siege chronicles the creation of today’s most notorious neo-Nazi terrorist tome, Siege—the "bible" of the Atomwaffen Division. Siege promotes Charles Manson as a neo-Nazi guru and praises racist serial killers and mass murderers. Sunshine's talk will describe how Mason's ideas arose among neo-Nazi sectarian in-fighting in the 1970s, and then how a clique of 1980s and ‘90s counterculturalists—including publisher Adam Parfrey (Feral House) and musicians and writers Boyd Rice (NON) and Michael Moynihan (Lords of Chaos)—popularized Mason. Last, this wild ride will ask: why do some participants in countercultural movements become complicit in fascist politics, and how did Mason's champions set the stage for the Alt Right?

Spencer Sunshine has a PhD in Sociology and over the years has been involved in antifascism, and prisoner and Rojava solidarity work. He is also the author of the organizing guide 40 Ways to Fight Fascists: Street-Legal Tactics for Community Activists. spencersunshine.com

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