Nov 15th, 2019
Radicalizing Your Yoga Practice
The current context highlights how power and oppression is present in the very air we breathe. Michelle C. Johnson, author of Skill in Action: Radicalizing Your Yoga Practice to Create a Just World will lead you through a meditation, book reading and discussion focused on the intersection of justice and the principles of yoga. Q & A and book signing to follow.
About Michelle: I am an author, yoga teacher, social justice activist, licensed clinical social worker and Dismantling Racism trainer. I approach my life and work from a place of empowerment, embodiment and integration. With a deep understanding of trauma and the impact that it has on the mind, body, spirit and heart, much of my work focuses on helping people better understand how power and privilege operate in their life. I explore how privilege, power and oppression affects the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energy body.