Apr 29th, 2017
Independent Bookstore Day
We're celebrating bookshops not as just stores, but as community centers and local anchors run by passionate readers! To that end, we're teaming up with other local, independent bookstores to offer an exciting day of promotions and activities. On Saturday morning, grab an "Indie Bookstore Passport" and visit one or more of the participating locations, including:
- Malaprop's Bookstore/Cafe
- The Captain's Bookshelf
- Downtown Books & News
- Firestorm Books & Coffee
- Spellbound Children's Bookshop
Each store will feature unique promotions and/or author events. At Firestorm, buy two or more books and you'll get a stackable 10% discount on your whole purchase.
Return your passport to Malaprop's and you'll be entered into a raffle with hundreds of dollars in bookstore prizes. The more stamps you collect on your passport, the larger the prizes!