Jul 26th, 2015
Food Not Bombs Social
Who's ready to get down like its 1999 with your friendly neighborhood FNB crew? Food Not Bombs is a volunteer run organization for social change started in the 80s by anti-nuclear activists. By taking food that would otherwise be wasted, we share hot, healthy, vegan meals with people in the community to advocate for peace and a system wherein the distribution of wealth (amongst other things) does not result in a surplus of wasted food at the same time people are left hungry. If you'd like to share some company with friendly people, eat some vegan food, or learn more about FNB then this is the perfect opportunity!
Some food will be provided but pot-lucking is encouraged. Bring a blank t-shirt and $1 or $2 (to cover the price of ink) to screen print your very own FNB shirt!