“Any insanely awesome teenage spy will tell you that spy work is super cool and by far the best job ever. As someone who is probably the world’s most insanely awesome teenage spy, I can say for a fact that it’s true.”
With these words, Ethan O’Shea starts his contribution to the Saviors Accounts (of course, Ethan calls his version of things “the Insanely Awesome Chronicles of a Teenage Spy” ‘cause that’s way cooler). What are the Saviors Accounts, you ask? They’re a collection of files, dictated first-hand by the Saviors themselves. Each file contains information on one member of this secret organization—together they could unravel a mystery. But don’t look for the resolution here, because giving away the book’s ending on the back cover would be farting stupid.
Despite getting constantly censored by the speech-to-text program he’s using, Ethan lays it all out: everything from training and his first pimple to fighting bad guys and the mysterious Alpha Alpha. It’s a long and perilous story, but Ethan’s just the right guy to tell it.
Buckle up, reader, ‘cause shark’s about to go down.