The Anarchist Review of Books (Issue #5)
Winter/Spring 2023

From The Anarchist Review of Books
The Anarchist Review of Books publishes intelligent, non-academic writing with an anti-authoritarian perspective. We are dedicated to transforming society through literature and through open, incisive critique of the media, politics, history, art and writing that shape our world.
In this issue Jessica Lawless talks with Sarah Jaffe about love and labor, Steven Thrasher reveals the reach of the carceral state during COVID, Carrie Laben reviews Kun Li Sun’s Begin the World Over, Cynthia Cruz muses on Genet, crime and resistance. D.G. Gerard reviews C. Russell Price’s incendiary new collection, Glynis Hart writes about the origins of abortion as a property crime, Ranbir Sidhu dreams big in the wake of A. Patwardhan’s films, Anne Elizabeth Moore takes us to Time Zone J and French cultural critics Gilles Dauve and Lola Meiseroff show the next generation how it’s done.
Product Details
- Magazine
- 24 pages
- Publisher
- The Anarchist Review of Books