Collective News
Showing 145 - 156 of 197 results
Greener Pastures, Literally
We are thrilled to announce a new partnership with Goat Mountain Ranch Sanctuary, a ten year old safe haven for over 80 rescued animals in Leicester, NC.
Friends with Chocolate
Buy any three locally made truffles today or tomorrow (2/13-2/14) and get one artisan chocolate free!
Hibernation Hours
Starting on February 11th, we will be observing new Winter Hours, with a closing time of 9pm, Monday through Thursday. We will remain open, as before, until 10pm on Friday and Sunday!
Buy a Book, Fund a Dream!
This week we're offering 15% off all books and zines, with a portion of every sale going to support Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse, a worker-owned and collectively-run infoshop in Baltimore, MD.
The Fabulous Fringe
We're proud to announce our sponsorship of the Fringe Arts Festival, featuring artists exploring the edges of their work, through collaborate and innovative performance. Check it out!
Holiday Gift List (2012 Roll Call Edition)
We've prepared a special list of holiday gift ideas, custom tailored for your varied friends and family members!
Gift Local, Gift Co-operative
We're discounting our entire inventory of radical and independent literature this week! Click here for more details and our holiday hours.
Black & Read Friday
Join us this week for our annual book sale on the day after Thanksgiving! You'll save 20% to 30% on all new books and help sustain our work as a cooperative space and community resource.
Broaden Your Horizons
We're officially participating in the 2013 Asheville Go Local Directory. Fifteen dollars gets you an annual membership, funds public education and gets you big discounts on books!
Early Birds
We've got 2013 Slingshot and We'Moon Datebooks! Set yourself up for success in the new year with 10% off all planners during the month of November.
A Grand reOpening
The future has arrived! Join us to celebrate a new chapter in our history on Monday, October 29th. We'll mark this Grand Reopening with free coffee, huge discounts and enough helium balloons to make the fire marshal nervous! Don't. miss. it.
Feminine Flora
Come visit us at this weekend's SE Women's Herbal Conference! We're serving up fresh coffee & literature in collaboration with our friends at Equal Exchange and Chelsea Green Publishing on Friday, October 12th through Sunday, October 14th.