Collective News

Showing 121 - 132 of 197 results

Sep 4th, 2015

From the Margins to The Mountains

We're seeking financial support for a new event series designed to bring radical and progressive voices to Western North Carolina.

Aug 3rd, 2015

In-House Book Groups

Our collective is excited to announce the launch of two in-house book groups! Members will meet monthly to discuss books of literary and social significance.

Reopening Is Grand!
Jul 15th, 2015

Reopening Is Grand!

As of July 12th, we are now officially operational at our new storefront in West Asheville! Come check out our new location and see how we've grown.

Apr 25th, 2015

We're Hiring!

Have you ever wanted to own a bookstore or a cafe? Like a generous helping of egalitarianism in your workplace? Wake up every day hoping to challenge and be challenged? If so, read on!

Mar 19th, 2015

Nueva Colaboración

Our collective is thrilled to announce that we'll be launching a partnership with the Coalicion de Organizaciones Latino-Americanas (COLA) when we open the doors in West Asheville this Spring.

Feb 23rd, 2015

Call for Trade Skills

In anticipation of our move into 610 Haywood Rd next month, we are seeking individuals with trade skills. If you have professional experience with carpentry, lighting design, plumbing or electrical work, please give us a shout at

Jan 3rd, 2015

Expansion Media Coverage

Since announcing our new location on Haywood Road and launching our crowdfunding campaign two days ago, our co-operative has received some great local media attention!

Happy New Year!
Jan 1st, 2015

Happy New Year!

Ten months after closing our storefront in Downtown Asheville, we are excited to announce our future location in West Asheville!

May 13th, 2014

Relocation Update

Throughout the last few months our excitement for launching the next chapter of our project in West Asheville has only grown. But good things, it would seem, take time.

Feb 8th, 2014

Relocation Sale

We're celebrating our last month on Commerce Street with a 10% discount on all books. Join our book club and save an additional 10% that will keep you reading until we reopen!

Off the Map: Closing 48 Commerce Street
Jan 22nd, 2014

Off the Map: Closing 48 Commerce Street

Perhaps you've heard rumors that Firestorm Cafe & Books is closing. It's true! And also not. We will be closing our doors at 48 Commerce Street after March 1st -- and then reopening them in a new location!

Jan 20th, 2014

Fringe Central

Starting this week, Firestorm Cafe & Books is "Fringe Central" - your downtown source for passes to all Asheville Fringe Festival shows!