Indies First Sale

Indies First Sale

November 23rd, 2020

On Saturday, November 28th Indies First brings together authors, readers, and publishers in support of independent bookstores. This year it's also the gateway into a final month of holiday sales—a make or break retail season that will have an oversized impact on our co-op's ability to survive and reopen in 2021.

Coupon Code

On Saturday the 28th and Sunday the 29th, use coupon code INDIESFIRST15 to save 15% on all regularly priced, in-stock books and merchandise! This covers recent releases, zines, notebooks, shirts, stickers, and more.

Want to increase your support of our co-op and save even more? The Indies First coupon stacks with our everyday discount of 10% for Firestorm Sustainers, giving you an epic 25% off with $1 economy shipping.