Hey friends, there's been a lot going on recently, hasn't there? Members of our collective have been all over the country attending zine festivals, disrupting white power marches, honing skills at activist trainings, supporting friends at solidarity protests. And there's plenty going on locally, too! We've been at summer festivals, vigils for murdered antifascists, earth skills gatherings, community dialogs, cosmic events...
In the midst of all this activity -- inspiring, infuriating, and tragic -- we've made Firestorm available as a space for local community to gather, whether to scheme with friends or decompress with a good book. And we're innovating ways to make our co-op accessible to a larger audience. This week we'll be reducing the cost of our organic, fair trade house coffee to just one dollar and we've introduced a Pay It Forward board where community members can help each other out, buying a drink or meal for a stranger.
See you in the streets, and see you in the sci-fi section! <3

NC Resists
Last month, Firestorm-friend and former IBooks manager Katie Yow was hit with a grand jury subpoena. We support Katie's resistance and you can, too!

Smash Patriarchy, Raise Feminists!
We love the Feminist Press' new four-volume set of feminist folktales for young people.

Black August
We're collecting funds to bail Black women, queer and trans folks out of cages. Learn more about the action planned by SONG!

Meet Your Neighbors
Our co-op is hosting a life-sized fiberglass pig as part of Farm Sanctuary's campaign to highlight the environmental and social costs of hog farming.

International Front List
Check out our new releases, including Marriage of a Thousand Lies by SJ Sindu and Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy, for your next great read!