Leigh Hunt, the English essayist of the 19th century, wrote that May Day is "the union of the two best things in the world, the love of nature, and the love of each other." Our co-operative is celebrating this traditional Spring festival and anti-capitalist holiday with an herb giveaway! Then on the evening of May 1st we'll be closing at 5pm to participate in the West Asheville May Day Celebration happening on Haywood Road.
Know what other important holiday happens in May? Firestorm's birthday! On the last weekend of May we'll mark the beginning of our co-op's twelfth year. Visit us on Friday the 24th for an epic birthday sale with 20% off all full-price books. Are you a member of our Community Sustainers Program or interested in signing up? Add an additional 10% to make this our biggest sale until capitalism collapses and all the books are free. #birthdaywish

Sober AF
Sometimes you just wanna buy a sweet card for a sweet person and have it not be a big joke about binge drinking. We now stock Amy Richards' Sober Introvert collection.

Free Chelsea!
We've got great new t-shirts to benefit activist Chelsea Manning's legal defense fund.