Misandrist Fiction
These juicy stories of revenge and just deserts are a misandrist's dream. If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it, I betcha you would have done the same!
Parini Shroff’s debut novel is a rollicking mash-up of adventure story, thriller, dark revenge, and comedy. Rooted in a rural village in India—and led by the pariah widow Geeta, whom everyone believes to have killed her husband—a handful of women band together to take back their lives, and take down the patriarchy. An immensely enjoyable read!
—Cristina García, author of The Lady Matador’s Hotel
Garcia’s amazing is to depict psychologically complicated characters against the backdrop of a complicated society….Garcia is at the height of her imaginative powers, and The Lady Matador’s Hotel is a tour de force, at once hopeful and hopeless.
—Ms Magazine
“Patricia Wants To Cuddle" juxtaposes campy cryptid horror against the backdrop of a dating competition show. It is a combination so unexpected but SO delicious you'll never watch The Bachelor the same way again!
—Esme, Firestorm Collective member
A speculative horror that reads like The Walking Dead meets SCUM Manifesto, this book is not for everyone. It probably isn't for you. Easily the most transphobic thing I've ever read and packed with over-the-top violence, Felker-Martin has crafted something truly degenerate yet undeniably brilliant.
—Libertie, Firestorm Collective member
This novel succeeds as both a gripping scifi narrative—packing some fantastic plot twists that don't rely on overly convoluted time travel mechanics—and a thoughtful exploration of profound questions; most notably, "what causes social change?". A dark but hopeful tone combined with thoroughly original world building keeps the book from being reducible to a mashup of The Handmaid's Tale and Terminator 2: Judgment Day (though it would certainly appeal to fans of either).
—Libertie, Firestorm Collective member
This feminist ghost story collection delivers a very similar ~ darkly whimsical ~ tone to one of my favorite films, Spirited Away. Loosely based on Japanese folklore, these stories follow the otherworldly spirits who haunt temples, bathhouses, and unsuspecting men, living (or not) exactly as they please. An on-point concept with an execution to match, do yourself a favor and bring these ladies home!
—Esmé, Firestorm Collective member
The deadpan, misandrist thriller of our dreams. Set in Nigeria, this debut novel moves at a breakneck clip as it explores the rivalry and bond of two sisters — Ayoola (who keeps murdering her boyfriends) and Korede (who keeps cleaning up the bodies) — and their distinct ways of navigating a deeply patriarchal society with a shared history of abuse at the hands of men.
—Beck, Firestorm Collective member
[Golden Boys Beware] delivers the story of a girl who snatches control back from a world that stole it away, through whatever means necessary. Hannah Capin deftly combines stunningly lyrical prose with the raw power of engulfing fury, sending a message written in blood. In a world where too many are forced into silence, this book roars back.
—Sophie Gonzales, author of The Law of Inertia
Originally published in 1947, The Dry Heart is by far Ginzberg’s strangest work of fiction, a taught psychological thriller laced with horror about a woman who — very matter-of-factly in the first few sentences — murders her husband. "I shot him between the eyes," the nameless narrator says, then goes out for coffee. Short enough to read in one sitting, it’s a feminist classic that exposes the dark side of marriage in clean, captivating prose.
—Chicago Tribune
Sometimes the opening sentence of a first-person narrative can so vividly capture the personality of its speaker that you immediately want to spend all the time you can in their company. That’s the case with... Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead... [a] barbed and subversive tale about what it takes to challenge the complacency of the powers that be.
—Boston Globe
Lorna is a comic about a girl who loves knives, loves to threaten boys, collects skeletons, and maybe is the reason those skeletons are available to be collected. It is about a girl who doesn’t understand parties, actively chooses to interact with cats over people, and who sat alone every day in the high school cafeteria because her constant companions were daggers and a hacksaw. Lorna is one of the most relatable comics I have ever read.
—Alenka Figa, Women Write About Comics