Browse Lists

Queer Horror
Queers and horror have always gone hand in manicured hand. We know what it means to be made into a monster, all while navigating the true life terrors of conversion therapy...

Books To Make You Cry
There’s something incredibly tender about falling so deeply in love with fictional worlds and their inhabitants that their loss brings us to tears. Grab one of these...

Earth & Animal Liberation Fiction
Spanning themes of ecology, consent, freedom, sentience, and more, these unflinching works of fiction consider the heavy consequences of capitalism and environmental...

Migration is Beautiful
No human is illegal! These books show how the border is used to divide, racialize, and exploit us. Unlearn the myths about "harmful immigration" or border protection that...

2024 Bestsellers & Collective Picks
Every year we produce a list of books that did particularly well at our co-op, or otherwise established themselves as collective favorites. If you haven't already, we hope...

Portals and Paradoxes
Ever wish you could go back and read your favorite books again for the first time? *Sigh* It may never be possible, but at least you can read some of our favorites for the...

Feel-Good Queer Stories
Rejection, illness, and tragedy. We’ve read it, we’ve lived it, we know the drill. Enough already! If the dreary present is leaving you with a craving for...

Beautiful Giftables
We created this list with the trickiest gift recipients in mind. Spanning a spectrum of interests and boasting gorgeous covers, one of these titles is sure to do the trick...