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Wednesday, Apr 16th, 6:00pm – 7:30pm ET

Feminism vs the Far-Right

Gender is at the core of the rising Right’s strategy: they’re destroying trans rights, bolstering a violent form of masculinity, and attacking abortion rights by starving clinics and prosecuting doctors. Lux is a feminist magazine whose journalists are tackling these issues across the country (and beyond), and exploring emerging grassroots strategies on the Left. Please join us for a discussion with Lux’s editor-in-chief Sarah Leonard about the role of feminism in confronting a rising fascist movement. 

Sarah Leonard is a contributing editor to Dissent and the Nation. Previously, she was executive editor of The Appeal, and an editor of The New Inquiry. She has co-edited two books: Occupy!: An OWS-Inspired Gazette (Verso, 2011) with literary magazine n+1, and The Future We Want: Radical Solutions for the 21st Century (Metropolitan, 2016). Her writing about feminism, work, and technology has been widely published in the New York Times, the Guardian, the New Republic, and elsewhere. She lives in New York City.

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