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Saturday, Mar 29th, 6:00pm – 8:00pm ET

Imagining Safety

Design and Zine-Making in Abolitionist Imaginaries

An interactive workshop where we’ll collaboratively visualize liberatory futures, explore speculative design practices, and discuss creative ways to dismantle the prison industrial complex and carceral systems through hands-on zine-making and open dialogue.

Modeled after participatory art pedagogies, participants will be supplied with easily accessible art materials (crayons, markers, pens, paper). Facilitator Juliana Maurer will guide participants through basic visualization techniques in the format of a zine. Participants will then be supplied with several visual prompts/speculative questions related to community safety, and encouraged to collaboratively develop designs that would visualize their responses. Emphasis will be placed on the act of creation, rather than the products generated. 

Juliana Maurer is a designer based in Western North Carolina with a passion for community design, social practice, publication design, and all things printed. julianamaurer.com

To increase accessibility for high risk community members, Firestorm requires masking at all indoor events. Learn more

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