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Saturday, Apr 5th, 3:00pm – 4:30pm ET

The Religion of Criminalization / The Religion of Abolition

A book talk and dialogue with Tennessee-based author and organizer Andrew Krinks on themes from his book White Property, Black Trespass. Krinks will be joined by local organizers Hill Brown and Rev. Allyn Maxfield-Steele for conversation, followed by an invitation to those gathered to join the discussion on the relationship between religion, spirituality, whiteness, racial capitalism, criminalization, and abolition.

The story of criminalization, Krinks shows in White Property, Black Trespass: Racial Capitalism and the Religious Function of Mass Criminalization, begins with the eurochristian aspiration to become God at the expense of all others—an aspiration that gives rise to the pseudo-sacred powers of whiteness and property, and, by extension, the police power that exists to serve and protect them. Tracing the historical continuity and religiosity of the color line, the property line, and the thin blue line, Krinks reveals police power as the pseudo-divine power to exile nonwhite and dispossessed trespassers to carceral hell. 

Books and a special edition poster designed by the author will be available for sale. 

Andrew Krinks is a writer, educator, scholar, organizer, and movement builder working at the intersections of religion, racial capitalism, mass criminalization, and abolition in Nashville, Tennessee. They teach college and seminary courses on religion, theology, ethics, carcerality, abolition, and social justice, and conduct participatory action research on the impacts of prisons and policing. 

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