Jun 30th, 2024
From Activist to Terrorist (Bookfair Session)
This event is taking place as part of the Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair, three days of workshops and tabling with music performances at night.
Jake Conroy will talk about his involvement as an organizer with the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty Campaign (SHAC), a decentralized, uncompromising pressure campaign in the early 2000s, that took on some of the biggest pharmaceutical and financial institutions, and pushed them over like dominos. He will talk about how this led to the biggest FBI investigation of the time, as well as the repression they experienced from the US government and corporate investigators, as well as by the Bureau of Prisons while incarcerated. He will discuss being the target of a multi-agency terrorism investigation, what life is like inside the prison industrial complex, learning he was on a high-profile prisoners list, and navigating living a life branded as a terrorist in post-9/11 society.
Jake Conroy hosts the podcast Radicals & Revolutionaries and can be found online as the Cranky Vegan, where he helps reimagine the tactics, strategies and optics of the grassroots animal rights movement and works at the Rainforest Action Network, an international organization using pressure campaigns to stop rainforest deforestation, fossil fuel extraction, and support human rights. The Cranky Vegan Patreon rasies funds for and donates to animal sanctuaries around the world.