May 9th, 2024
POSTPONED Bloom Documentary Screening & Birth Doula Discussion
Journey with three couples and the doulas they partner with to achieve a safe and confident birth experience. Bloom, a feature-length documentary explores the work doulas are doing to fill gaps in the medical system.
Following the film screening, local Full Spectrum Doula Tiffany Narron who partnered with Bloom to bring the film to Asheville, will guide a community question and answer discussion around birth doula support, the maternal care crisis in the U.S. and how doulas in our community work to meet birthing persons and families.
Suggested Donation: $10 to $20 will help cover the cost of screening the film, if you're financially able to contribute.
Following an ensemble cast of doulas and birthing parents, Bloom encompasses a breadth of experiences and challenges of giving birth at this moment. Stories about challenges in gynecological care are making headlines right now for important reasons. Those stories do need to be told and the public needs to understand those consequences. But while those stories are about how America makes it harder for people who need gynecological care to receive that care, this story is about the people who are making healthcare access an easier and positive experience. bloomdocumentary.com