Apr 9th, 2024
Anarchism at the Dawn of the 20th Century
Drawing on their respective historic works recently published by AK and PM Press, authors Charlie Allison and Zoe Baker discuss the revolutionary strategy and practice of anarchists in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Charlie Allison's No Harmless Power follows the life of Nestor Makhno, who organized a seven-million-strong anarchist polity during the Russian Civil War and developed Platformist anarchism during his exile in Paris as well as advising other anarchists like Durruti on tactics and propaganda.
Zoe Baker's Means and Ends is an overview of the revolutionary strategy of anarchism in Europe and the United States between 1868 and 1939. Cutting through misconceptions and historical inaccuracies, Baker draws upon a vast assortment of examples to show how the belief that anarchist ends can only be achieved through anarchist means underpinned anarchist attempts to put theory into action.
Charlie Allison is a writer, researcher, and storyteller based in Philadelphia. He has published short stories with Pickman’s Press, Podcastle, and Sea Lion Press. He currently runs his own website at charlie-allison.com, where the genesis for this book was formed as a series of YouTube videos with the help of Sewer Rats Productions. He is active in the Philadelphia storytelling and mutual aid communities.
Zoe Baker is a libertarian socialist philosopher with a PhD on the history of anarchism. She is known for popularizing the theory and history of anarchism, feminism, and Marxism on her popular YouTube and Twitter platforms (@anarchopac). anarchopac.com