Feb 25th, 2024
Antifascism & Disability, Part II
Building on their previous presentation (available here), organizer Moss Williams explores the relationship between fascism and ableism—and how both are driving attacks on our bodily autonomy.
The COVID-19 pandemic has laid even more bare the giant cracks in our society (including our organizing spaces) when it comes to disability. In this presentation we’ll discuss public health and the long history of disabled resistance. We will also discuss how disability justice has the tools to help alleviate and even solve many of our individual and societal problems, especially as millions more of us are becoming disabled due to post viral illness.
Moss Williams is a disabled nonbinary antifascist and abolitionist organizer, writer, and artist. They have traveled all over the US and Canada doing workshops on disability, antifascism, philosophy, and self defense. They have also written a soon to be published essay for The Anarchism & Punk Book Project.
Content Warning: This event may include discussion of sexual assault.