Oct 27th, 2022
Original Horror
Join us for a virtual event to celebrate the release of Death in the Mouth: Original Horror from People of Color. Editors Sloane Leong and Cassie Hart bring together contributors Catherine Yu, Kelsea Yu, and Endria Isa Richarson to discuss their stories in the book and all things horror.
In this anthology, Sloane Leong and Cassie Hart bring you an incredible range of stories and illustrations that celebrate the voices of those overlooked to show you the terrifying and exquisite scope of what horror can be. Death in the Mouth is a collection of horror stories and art showcasing BIPOC storytellers from around the world. You’ll read stories featuring grotesque manifestations of dread, the enveloping sludge of grief, and the insectoid itch of deep-seated fear. Embodiments of mania and displacements of faith. Harrowing ecstasy and debilitating hope. Transgressions of the body, the spirit, and the community. Unique and terrifying alien mythology from the future. Quiet, creeping absurdities. Weird urban legends from secondary worlds.
Sloane Leong is a cartoonist, illustrator, writer, and editor of mixed indigenous ancestries. Through her work, she engages with visceral futurities and fantasies through a radical, kaleidoscopic lense. She is currently living on Chinook land near what is known as Portland, Oregon with her family and three dogs.
Cassie Hart identifies as: stalwart badass, SFF writer, collaborator, active day-dreamer, Māori/Pākehā, she/her. She has too many ideas, and not enough time to write them all - but she’s doing her best! just-cassie.com
Catherine Yu writes dark speculative fiction. She was born in Nanjing and is now based in New York. She is a graduate of Odyssey Writing Workshop. Direwood is her debut novel. You can find her work at catherineyuwrites.com
Kelsea Yu spent her childhood in San Francisco and in Portland, Oregon, where she haunted her local libraries and crafted weird creatures out of clay. She’s eternally enthusiastic about sharks and appreciates a good ghost story. Kelsea lives with her husband, children, and a pile of art supplies in Seattle. Her work is published in the Classic Monsters Unleashed anthology. Find her on Instagram as @anovelescape or visit her website kelseayu.com.
Endria Isa Richarson is a black, malaysian, and gay american writer from Worcester, Massachusetts. You can find more of her fiction and essays about ghosts, bird monsters, aliens of all kinds, and interior weirdnesses at endriarichardson.com