Apr 15th, 2021
Mending the World As Jewish Anarchists
To celebrate the release of a new collection of contemporary essays, art, and poetry by Jewish anarchists, we'll be hosting a conversation between community members and contributors to There Is Nothing So Whole As a Broken Heart.
This event is open to anyone interested in learning more about the ancestral resistance, strength, imagination, and humor of the Jewish anarchist tradition and its contemporary manifestations. We'll explore resurgent antisemitism, the role of Jewish radicals in struggles for liberation, intersections with queerness, and the unique character of Jewish organizing in the South.
Through stories at once poetic and poignant, There Is Nothing So Whole as a Broken Heart offers a powerful elixir for all who rebel against systemic violence and injustice. The contemporary renewal of Jewish anarchism draws on a history of antisemitism, enslavement, displacement, white supremacy, and genocide as well as ancestral resistance, strength, imagination, and humor--all qualities, and wisdom, sorely needed today.
Cindy Milstein (they/them) is author of Anarchism and Its Aspirations and editor of the anthologies Taking Sides: Revolutionary Solidarity and the Poverty of Liberalism, Rebellious Mourning: The Collective Work of Grief, and Deciding for Ourselves: The Promise of Direct Democracy.
Fayer is a collective of artists, revolutionaries, workers, students, criminals, and free lovers—fighting for the earth, the good life, and total liberation. You can find Fayer on Twitter at @FayerAtlanta.
Scott Branson (they/them) is a Jewish queer/trans anarchist, writer, translator, community organizer, and teacher, based in Western North Carolina.