Feb 25th, 2019
Middle School Queer Quilt Project
Arthur Morgan School is a day and boarding school in Burnsville, about an hour outside of Asheville, for 7th, 8th, and 9th graders. Each year, students spend 5 weeks learning about a particular topic, then set out for an 18 day field trip to learn about that topic in real life. This year, the class has been studying the history of LGBTQ rights in the US and looking at how queer people all over the world are treated in different countries and cultures.
As a part of the class, students have chosen and researched different historical figures. They are working on making a quilt square dedicated to each figure, and will compile all of these people, along with symbols of LGBTQ positivity, into a complete quilt to present throughout their field trip. At each stop, they will be sharing about the quilt and what they have learned through their studies and travels.