Apr 19th, 2018
Ayurveda & Food
Ayurveda is an ancient body of wisdom that offers a holistic perspective on how to live a harmonious, balanced, and healthy life. It emphasizes the importance of individual approaches that reflect the individual nature of each person. With the modern diet growing increasingly more diverse & lifestyles of health becoming more varied, it can be overwhelming to navigate which diet and lifestyle is best suited for YOU.
Weaving together the concepts of the elements, individual nature, & balance, Ayurveda offers a comprehensive yet refreshingly simple way to understand & serve our unique needs. It helps explain the WHYS & HOWS of choosing a diet aligned for our bodies.
Come join us at Firestorm for an empowering class on Ayurveda & Food. Together we'll explore our modern food choices using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda as a guide. Learn about the nature of different tastes & foods as well as common imbalances, digestive health, and how to navigate using food as medicine to maintain balance in your life. Empower yourself to make decisions that positively impact your health & reflect the balanced rhythms of nature.
Topics of discussion will include but not be limited to:
- tri-dosha theory
- patterns of elements
- importance of eliminartion
- digestive health
- using taste as a tool
- food & herbal energetics
- integrating with Spring
This 2 hour class will be packed with juicy information to support you in navigating your own health & happiness. Here are a few things I recommend bringing to get the most out of your experience:
- a journal/notebook & pens to jot down information you find relevant
- a mug/jar of water or tea, hydration and comfort are at the heart of wellbeing!
- an open heart & curious mind. I deeply value your questions, comments, stories, and truths and invite you to co-create this space with me by sharing your thoughts.
- 15-30 financial energy (cash/check please!) I deeply believe in making community education and empowerment affordable & accessible to all. Your presence & financial support are so greatly appreciated and help to continue community education in the future.
If you are unable to afford a ticket to my class, please reach out to Bearfootbalance@gmail.com & we can work something out!