Mar 9th, 2018
Building the Movement for Mutual Aid, Pt 1
The Mutual Aid Disaster Relief (MADRelief) Training Team is visiting our community. Currently MADRelief is on a national capacity-building and educational tour. They will explain how natural storms turn into unnatural disasters through dangerous new forms of "disaster capitalism" and "extreme resource extraction," and train diverse affinity groups on principles of grassroots direct action humanitarian aid and crisis response, covering a wide range of topics such as “Principles of ‘Solidarity, Not Charity,’” “Scouting, Mapping, and Understanding Your Community’s Resources,” “Building Power in Collaboration,” “Overcoming Trauma Together,” and “The Logic of Logistics.”
Part 1 is an accessible & entertaining introductory presentation, “Protectors v. Profiteers: Communities in Resistance to Disaster Capitalism.” Part 2 will take place the following day.
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief is a grassroots network whose mission is to provide disaster relief based on the principles of solidarity, mutual aid, and autonomous direct action. By working with, listening to, and supporting impacted communities, especially their most vulnerable members, to lead their own recovery, we build longterm, sustainable and resilient communities.