Jan 20th, 2017
J20 Day of Resistance & General Strike
To coincide with the Trump presedential inauguration, our collective will close for formal business and participate in a day of community actions to resist the "peaceful transfer of power" and reject normalization of racism, misogyny, homophobia, corporate dominance, and intensified state repression. We will celebrate and deepen connections between and across our communities, share knowledge and resources, and offer support and solidarity to those most under threat from the incoming administration.
Tentative Schedule of Events
10am - Gather at Pritchard Park. Bring signs. Dress for the cold. (Child care available -- please let us know if you will need child care during the demonstration or at any point during the day!).
1pm - Free community lunch at Kairos West (610 Haywood Rd, downstairs) hosted by 12 Baskets
2pm to 7pm - Workshops, tabling, community-building at Firestorm (610 Haywood Road, upstairs)
5pm to 6pm - Potluck dinner at Kairos West, sponsored by Food Not Bombs!
5pm to 7pm - Breathwork and meditation workshop with Ra Ma Kaur at West Asheville Yoga (602 Haywood Road)
9pm to Midnight - Dance party benefit w/ DJ Malinalli @ the Lazy Diamond (4 Woodfin Street). 21+, $5-$20 sliding scale