Jun 12th, 2016
Effective Active-ism
Roadmap to Animal Liberation
Wayne Hsiung, the co-founder of Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), argues that the movement for animal liberation is so focused on personal consumer behavior that it has lost sight of its reason for existence: not vegan food, but the animals.
Wayne is a lawyer and writer. Wayne, who studied behavioral science at the University of Chicago and MIT, previously served on the faculty at Northwestern School of Law, where he published research with the renowned Harvard scholar Cass Sunstein (author of the best-selling Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness). Wayne has organized for social justice campaigns since 1999, including campaigns against capital punishment and for low-income youth. Aside from being an activist and scholar, Wayne, who grew up in an immigrant family in the Midwest, has worked as a tutor for disadvantaged youth, a counselor at a law school admissions service, and a corporate lawyer for one of the largest law firms in the world. In his free time, he enjoys playing with his two dogs, Lisa and Natalie, and two cats, Joan and Flash.