Jun 15th, 2016
Racism & Gentrification Discussion Series
Part 2 of 4
This series focuses on the role racism plays in gentrification and displacement. We will explore how racism operates at various levels (interpersonal, community, institutional) and at its intersections (with class, ethnicity, etc) to create the situation we are seeing today in our local context.
This month, we will focus on what is going on right now in Asheville specifically (planned developments and evictions, demographic shifts, etc) and consider some relevant history of racialized displacement. We hope folks who attended the first session will continue to participate, but newcomers are welcome and encouraged!!
About This Series
This series grew out of a Stand Against Racism last month, and is geared toward education and relationship-building to strengthen our understanding of these issues and our ability to talk about them within and amongst communities; we will not "solve" gentrification or displacement by the end of the summer, but we hope that addressing these questions together over the next few months will make action more likely, and more effective, in the future.
Series Topics
Part 1: What is gentrification? - April
Part 2: What is going on right now in our city? - June
Part 3: Who is hurt by gentrification/displacement? - July
Part 4: What can people do about it? - August