May 1st, 2016
Writing Diversely
Allyship and Authorship for Young Readers
In the last five years, campaigns such as Diversity in YA and #WeNeedDiverseBooks have brought increasing awareness of the need for diversity -- from race to sexual orientation to gender identity and disability -- in literature. What role can authors with non-marginalized identities play in changing the industry and promoting non-majority narratives?
For this facilitated discussion, we are pleased to be joined by two accomplished authors, Jeremy Whitley (Princeless) and Alexandra Duncan (Salvage). Alexa and Jeremy will draw on their own experiences to explore the rewards and challenges of being white allies writing protaganists of color with diverse gender and sexual identities.
Jeremy Whitley is a writer living in Durham, NC with his wife Alicia and daughter Zuri. He is the creator and writer of the comic series "Princeless" from Action Lab Entertainment. In 2011 Princeless was nominated for two Eisners including "Best Single Issue" and "Best Comic for Kids Ages 8-12". It was also nominated for five Glyph Awards and won three for "Best Female Character", "Best Writer", and "Story of the Year".
Alexandra Duncan is the author of the award-winning YA sci-fi novel Salvage (2014) and its companion Sound (2015). Her short stories have been published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and The Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy. She lives with her husband and two monstrous, furry cats in Asheville, NC.
We are very excited to have Kyja Wilburn serving as facilitatior. Kyja teaches at Rainbow Community School and studies student-centered and healing education. She works with Asheville organizations on cultural humility and racial equity.