Mar 30th, 2016
Restorative Circles
Supporting Community and Co-operative Living
Local community educator Steve Torma will present an introduction to the Restorative Circles conflict resolution method for co-op members and the public.
This event will rely on discussion and audience participation to communicate the basic principles of the Restorative Circles technique and demonstrate its power to restore dialogue and interaction within communities of any size to move disputes toward positive, inclusive solutions.
At the same time, Restorative Circles works to build community-based justice systems and to redefine what the word “justice” means in this splintered world. The idea for Restorative Circles arose in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro during riots in the early 1990’s. The idea has spread and is now being practiced in communities around the world.
In Oakland, CA, high school students under the leadership of attorney Fania Davis - sister of former Black Panthers member Angela Davis – have reduced high levels of tension and overt violence and fostered communication and unity by gathering in circles based on restorative principles.
Restorative Circles offers a powerful means for individuals and co-op members to work together within their group and come together with other groups to function more smoothly and effectively for the good of the whole community.
This event is presented as a collaboration between Firestorm Books and Coffee and the French Broad Food Co-op.