Mar 20th, 2016
The Thirteenth Juror
The Thirteenth Juror illustrates the pitfalls of the grand jury system by inviting readers to take a seat with the 12 people selected as grand jurors in the Michael Brown case, and to share the evidence and process they went through. Details that were not openly or adequately questioned are highlighted, and the impact of the posture and attitude of the prosecuting attorneys is explored. Disparities are uncovered in the narrative of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, who was responsible for Brown’s death, and the process of informing – or misinforming – jury members regarding the law(s) governing their deliberations is given critical attention. Ultimately, throughout the 24 days of testimony, the deeply human side of this tragedy is shared. And measured against the history of the grand jury process itself, this is a case study illustrating the need for examination and reform.
Nelda Holder has been a journalism and communications professional since the 1970s, beginning as a feature writer and columnist for The Tampa Times in Florida. She then worked in public access television in Middlebury, Vermont, and taught communications at Antioch New England in Keene, New Hampshire. After returning to her native state of North Carolina, she became associate editor (now retired) of the Mountain Xpress in Asheville. She has specialized in investigative and government writing, and currently produces a legislative column for Asheville’s multicultural monthly, The Urban News. She manages the nonpartisan website, Politically Purple NC, reporting on North Carolina government, history, and culture.