Jan 14th, 2016
Free Herman Bell Birthday Info Session
The massive incarceration rates in the US -- overwhelmingly aimed at people of color and criminalizing youth -- makes this country by far the greatest purveyor of punishment in the world. Among 2.4 million incarcerated are a number of political prisoners, and among these courageous sisters and brothers is Herman Bell.
Herman Bell has been a political prisoner in the US for nearly 40 years. When national liberation and revolution rocked the world in the 1960s and 70s, Herman was active in the social justice movements of those times, particularly the Black Liberation movement and the Black Panther Party. Herman Bell has been to the New York state parole board six times and has been denied each time. His next parole board appearance will be in early February 2016.
January 14th is Herman Bell's 68th birthday and people are holding support events in multiple US localities in preparation for his February parole hearing. At Firestorm local activists will present current information on Herman's case as well as set his resistance in historical context and "Black Lives Matter" continuum! We will provide letter writing supplies and target addresses, foment relevant discussion and offer awareness raising items such as cloth patches, stickers and flyers.
Yes, the past has gone nowhere and we still have prisoners locked up from the 70s! Stop by and/or attend our event to provide support for this resistance fighter, Herman Bell.