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Jul 6th, 2013

Lessons from the Anne Braden Program

Sarah Stockholm will share lessons and experiences from participating in the Anne Braden political education and anti-racist organizing program.

Sarah's description:
Last January I left Asheville with lots of support to attend the Anne Braden Program, a political education and leadership program for white anti-racist organizers. My experiences radically shifted my understanding of movement work for our collective liberation. During this report-back, I'll share my thoughts on the importance of supporting and sustaining multi-racial, multi-class movements, privileged people working with other privileged people and creating an activist culture that builds up instead of tears down. Additionally, I'll share how my movement work has been impacted through the program's emphasis on long-term visioning, revolutionary love and strong radical community. Since finishing the program, I've returned to my hometown in rural South Dakota where I'm an educator, writer and cultural worker. My reflections are geared towards the reality of living and organizing outside of Leftist movement centers like the Bay Area.

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