Split Tooth

By Tanya Tagaq

Loved by our collective!

"Time has a way of eternally looping us in the same configurations. Like fruit flies, we are unable to register the patterns. Just because we are the crest of the wave does not mean the ocean does not exist. What has been before will be again."

Set in a northern region where the seasons oscillate between the permanent darkness of winter and the delirious never-ending daylight of summer, Tanya Tagaq's #ownvoices mythobiography dances between extremes. Presented through gorgeous poetry, prose, and retellings of myths, Split Tooth explores the tenderness and beauty that coexists with the harshness of daily life in a tight-knit indigenous community devastated by colonialism, addiction, and sexual abuse. In equal measure fantastical and brutally real, Split Tooth will appeal to fans of other dark magical realism titles such as Carmen Maria Machado's In the Dream House and Akwaeke Emezi's Freshwater

Content warnings: Addiction, domestic violence, sexual abuse, pregnancy & birth, infanticide

Esmé, Firestorm Collective member

Product Details

208 pages
Penguin Books Canada (9/24/19)
5.2 x 0.5 x 8 inches


bipoc representation, canada, inuktitut / inuit, magical realism, native protagonist

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